- To answer my own question – Yes you can use the EmporiumPlus Toolkit to add related items to the PATR screen http://bit.ly/1dlmSg snippet 54 #
- Could not have said it better myself: Why Twitter's One-Click ReTweet Feature Is Absolute Garbage http://bit.ly/8gM083 #
- Wolfpaw Partners with MaxMind to Bring Integrated Fraud Screening to Miva Merchant http://bit.ly/7cMwWz #MivaMerchant #
- @GlendaleDesigns thanks! good link for job seekers like me. in reply to GlendaleDesigns #
- Ouch! I need to work on this @mivaleslie got a grade of 88/100 on @grader. Check it out: http://twitter.grader.com/mivaleslie #
- Any MagicJack users out there? What are your thought? #
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